Publish Year: 2019
The approach you will see me take is not conventional. You won’t see the typical daily devotional material laid out to digest. This study is based on a personal struggle in reading other daily devotionals. I’ve tried to bring such lessons to mind later in the same day of its reading, and discovered that I had just been mouthing or thinking the words out in rote litany. I found myself forgetting, or being distracted from the power of words and content; and by the next day’s offering, yesterday’s spiritual bread was nothing but a faint taste of memory.Lord, bestow to me this day, tomorrow’s feeding, that I may rest and reflect in it, dwell in it, learn from it and share it with any who desire to know you and your way, better. I ask, that as I go about my daily routine, you lead me beside still waters to nourish me with whatever wisdom you choose to reveal, that I may be lead on a path of righteousness, for your name’s sake.
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