Welcome! What’s On Our Mind?

December 26, 2023
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Hey Thinkers,

Welcome to my newly revised blog page! I have an immediate question for you to respond to: What If _? Yeah, I know, it sounds weird and vague – at first, it’s supposed to. But once you get into it and start filling in the blank (without being cheesy or juvenile of course) you’ll understand!

Here’s an example: What if we really are “Thinkers”? I mean, that’s what we’re all about, right? For instance, right now, after I asked that question, you’re thinking about a response; positive, negative, confrontational, progressive; I don’t know… but you do.

One more for the road, I’d love your response to this one: What if your universe, your… reality is actually not what it appears to be?

Get back to me on that, will you? Then the Real conversation can begin.


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